We all know which of our children are apt to obey and which ones are likely to not obey. So this afternoon when Chase responded poorly to his daddy, it broke my heart. He was promptly called back to the room where we were. His daddy and I were discussing how he needed to be punished.
But before we could even address him, he walked in and said, "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that. Will you please forgive me?" And he walked over to Randy and hugged him. He did this with a little quiver to his lips. His eyes were large, as if he was ready for a horrible demise.
Randy hugged him back and told him how important it was that he NEVER spoke like that to him again. He explained that it was disrespectful.
We could tell he was very contrite. He walked out of the room and we just looked at each other. What a surprise that he so quickly responded to his sin.
A little while goes by and I saw Chase walking by - he looked as if he had been crying. His cheeks were still wet with tears. I so badly just wanted to hug him. I called him to me and held him on my lap. I asked him if he was ok, and this was his reply: "Mommy, I prayed and asked Jesus to forgive me while I was in my bedroom."
Oh my. I'm not sure how I held the tears from just spilling out of my eyes. But I wanted to really drive home the beautiful picture of forgiveness that he could now experience. I told him that this is exactly what Jesus wanted of his children - to ask forgiveness of those we have harmed, and then to confess our sins to Him.
As I talked to him some more about it, he said, "I remember the story of David. God even forgave him for killing someone." Wow! He gets it. But I wanted to make sure he understood the picture of how our sins are gone - as far as the east is from the west - when God forgives us. It was so amazing to see the relief on his face. So amazing to have that confirmation in my own heart that he is a child of God.

So my heart is full tonight. I'm thankful that God allows me to be his Mommy. I'm more aware now of how much I need to continue to pray for my kiddos. What an awesome responsibility.
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