My heart is full tonight thinking about what a wonderful weekend we just had. It was filled with family, good food and lots of laughs. It doesn't happen enough if you ask me.
When Amy called saying they were coming in for a quick visit(she wasn't kidding - they were here less than 24 hours!), my mind started spinning making plans. Her sweet family would stay with us and we would have a cookout when they got here so all the sisters could see each other.

These girls were inseparable. They giggled and played and stayed up way past bedtime.

And Amy and I, well, we caught up as much as we could in just a few fleeting hours.
Trisha and her family came over Saturday night for a cookout. I can't believe we fed 20 people, but we did and it was a blast!
Bailey, Simone and Savannah are all just a few months apart and LOVE getting to play together. I love that they are so close. I never did experience that with my cousins. I hope they grow up staying as close as they are now.

Jay and Amy...after a long drive here. So good to see those faces again!
Dave and Betsy also came over. She hadn't seen Amy in 2 years. There was a lot of catching up to do.
The guys corner - lots of sports/theology/politics talk going on.
Jesse is so tall that I am honestly shocked. He's just about taller than Randy and he's only 15 years old. He wears size 13 shoe!!! So he and the little boys (and little girls) played basketball a lot. They loved shooting the basket and Jesse would stand near the net and help knock it in. Fun!

And Jared - I could just EAT.HIM.UP! I was so sad to see them leave. But I am more determined than ever to not let life get in the way of a quick trip now and then to spend time with the people I love and who love me in return - unconditionally.

These girls primped and texted and also stayed up way past bedtime!

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