Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Okdapoos, Fis & alegalr (Translation: The Octopus, Fish & Alligator)

Chase came home from school the other day with a picture he had drawn. The cutest thing about it is that he actually tried to write a story that went with the picture. At first it looked like just a bunch of letters, but then he started to explain what he had written and I got it! He wrote about an octopus, a fish and an alligator. It was so cute that I decided to post it. I'm going to have to interpret it, so if you're patient with me, I think you'll enjoy it...
At the top it says, "Hi. How are you? My name is Fish" (HA H R U MI NAM ISS FIS) "What is your name?" (WT ISS YOR NAM) "Mine is Octopus" (MIN OKDOPOOS)

(The rest of the line after "okdopoos" is unintelligle so we'll move on to the next line.)

"And he helped him all to feel better." (ADT HEA HELPT HIM ALL T FIL BEDR)

More unintelligible..."The alligator so he played with him." (THE ALEGALR SOL HE PLAD WE HIM) Notice that he ran out of room for the word "him" so he wrote it above the alligator.

If you notice to the left of the alligator he wrote, "He said he was hurt." (HE SED HE WZ HRT). And then he wrote "The End" up below the 2nd line because there wasn't any room at the end. :)

He has been doing so well in school. He has such a wonderful teacher and she says he is learning very well. We're extremely proud of him.

Another Chase funny: This morning at breakfast he guzzled his whole glass of water and then said to me, "Mommy, I had to drink so much water because my neck was dry." (I had to assume he meant his throat.) ha ha! Gotta love that boy!

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