Randy's so good when he puts the kids to bed. He'll spend 15-20 minutes talking with them and teaching them Bible verses, etc. When Sydney and Bailey were younger, he taught both of them the Ten Commandments. While he was at Bryan College, a professor taught them a neat trick for remembering the Ten Commandments. It had to do with signs you make with your fingers for each number you were learning. For instance, #6 is "Do not kill." Well, if you hold up 5 fingers on one hand, and one finger on the other hand, the one finger by itself becomes a gun pointing to the other five "people." It has worked like a charm and all three kids learned it in no time.
Recently Randy decided it was time for Chase to learn them. It's always interesting to try to explain the word "adultery." We just tell them that it's when a mommy or daddy leave and find another person to be with. "Covet" is also a new term to them. When Randy told this one to Chase, he said the word reminded him of "shovel." Ok -whatever.
Today at lunch, I wanted to see how much Chase had remembered. He got to #10 and stopped. I could tell right away that he couldn't remember the word. So we waited a second to see what he would say and this is what he said. . ."Do not 'shove-it'." I thought we all would fall in the floor laughing! I guess this is what you get when you combine "shovel" with "covet."
I'm so glad that he didn't get upset, he just laughed right along with us! Funny boy!!
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