Visiting Randy's parents in Bluff City is one of my favorite places to go and relax. On this recent trip, the kids begged to do a cookout again (particularly for the s'mores). MaMa was prepared as always and had all the ingredients ready to go. All it took was for PaPa to build a fire.
I rarely get IN the pictures since I'm the one taking them. But this time, Bailey began playing with the camera and caught me trying to cook my marshmallow just right.

I just don't like pictures of myself. It's a bad issue of self esteem I guess. I almost didn't publish this picture of Chase and I. We were being silly. He came and sat on my lap and we took a self portrait. You can tell how tired I was after a long day, my hair was windblown and I just really don't like my glasses. But I want to always remember this time with Chase - he still WANTS to sit on my lap, and he's still at a size where he won't kill my legs!! LOL!
Almost the whole weekend, the kids spent their time at the pond catching these lovelies. Usually they are brown and black. But this time they found a gorgeous orange one. It would make the perfect mascot for UT. GO VOLS!